Baseball League

By: Virginia Loon, 12

This season is baseball season! I’m looking forward to it because last year we did pretty good, but this time we’re gonna perform our best while playing against other communities. So, I encourage the little ones (ages 8-12) to come out and play on June 9. They’re doing this ‘Spring Mixer’, which means everyone who plays in the league will get a jersey and also, we will meet our coaches. The teams will take team photos and food will be provided. Come out and play ball with us! 

This upcoming local baseball season is hosted by the Kenora Chiefs Advisory (KCA). The aforementioned ‘Spring Mixer’ will be held on June 9 at the Portage Bay (Keewatin) Fields in Kenora, ON and is for rookie league players. The scheduled hours for the games are set for 11:00 am – 5:00 pm (latest). Buses will arrive at each participating community for pick-up.

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